Chilli Con Carne


Easy Mid-Week Meal. Rich and Beefy Deliciousness. Served with Steamed Rice and Salsa Fresca.

This is my take on a classic mid-week meal. Beefy and rich, with plenty of chilli, the TexMex way. Toppings make this meal extra special, something like a Salsa Fresca or Pico de Gallo acts as acidic brightness in an otherwise beefy flavoured dish. Please keep tasting your food, and season with plenty of salt throughout cooking.


1 can/Jar (500g) Pre-Soaked Kidney Beans

500ml Beef Stock or Chicken Stock

50g Chipotle chilli paste

1 tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp Coriander ground

1 tsp Cumin

1 Onion diced

3 Garlic cloves

500g Beef mince

Steamed Rice


Prep: Dice Onion and Garlic, cumin and chilli, beef stock (or chicken stock), rice

Add Oil

Brown Meat, then put aside

Add Oil

Add Spices and Pastes

Add Aromatics

Stock Deglaze

Add Beans, boil beans to cook thoroughly.

Reduce to Simmer

Add Meat in

Plate with Steamed Rice/Mic Rice (Please no boiled rice), Salsa Fresca, Lime Wedges and Coriander

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